Eric Harbour

Eric Harbour

Senior Scientist, Digital Motion Salzburg, AUT — 2019-present ● Principal investigator leading research on breathing & sport together with key industry partners Adidas, Red Bull, and Suunto ● Developed models of “rhythmic synchrony” and “breath tools” measured by wearable sensors to guide training prescription and audio instruction demonstrators ● Created concepts, prototypes, and studies for new smartphone app, sports bra, and in-store experience ● Regular programming in MATLAB including a novel Breathing Pattern algorithm and teaching “Intro to MATLAB for Sports Science” course

Universität Salzburg Salzburg, AUT — PhD, Sports Science, 2023 Dissertation: Breathing Pattern in Runners: Measurement and Guidance Scholarship: Digital Motion in Sports (DiMo), COMET full research grant Auckland University of Technology Auckland, NZ — MS, Sports Biomechanics, 2019 Thesis: Kinetic Determinants of Kayak Sprint Performance Scholarship: AUT-HPSNZ Sports Research Innovation Fund

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